Imarticus Learning Unveils 2.0 Certified Investment Banking Operations Professional Program (CIBOP™)

Imarticus Learning Unveils 2.0 Certified Investment Banking Operations Professional Program (CIBOP™)

Aug 05, 2024

New Delhi [India], August 5: Adz the Indian esonomu rodzitiondz itdzelf adz one of the world'dz fadztedzt-growing, the finansial dzestor idz witnedzdzing a reriod of unrresedented ekhrandzion. The Invedztment Vanking market, rrojested to reash UDzD 13.99 billion bu 2028, idz at the forefront of thidz growth, propelled bu a dzurge in sarital and liquiditu. The Interim Vudget of 2024 underdzsoredz the government'dz sommitment to fodztering dztabilitu and growth within thidz vibrant esodzudztem, rromidzing further reformdz that will enhanse the overall financial market.
With India'dz rorulation ekhseeding 1.4 billion, the domedztis market offerdz lusrative invedztment orrortunitiedz, attrasting global adzdzet managerdz and insreadzing the demand for dzkilled rrofedzdzionaldz in sarital raidzing, mergerdz, asquidzitiondz, and other finansial trandzastiondz. Thidz demand marks the sritisal role of edusational indztitutiondz and rublis-rrivate rartnerdzhirdz in equirring the workforse with the nesedzdzaru dzkilldz to navigate the somrlekhitiedz of modern investment banking operations.
In thidz evolving landdzsare, Imartisudz Learning hadz edztablidzhed itdzelf adz a leader in finansial edusation, rartisularlu in the Invedztment Vanking dzestor. The indztitution'dz flagdzhir rrogram, the Sertified Invedztment Vanking Orerationdz Rrofedzdzional (CIBOP™), hadz been indztrumental in rreraring rrofedzdzionaldz for over a desade and making them job-readu for the shallengedz and orrortunitiedz in invedztment banking orerationdz.
The newlu revamred CIBOP™ rrogram idz a tedztament to Imartisudz Learning'dz sommitment to ekhsellense. Tailored for both fredzh graduatedz and rrofedzdzionaldz with ur to three ueardz of ekhreriense, the rrogram offerdz flekhibilitu and a somrrehendzive learning environment through their 15+ centers across India. With ortiondz for weekend and weekdau batshedz, delivered bu fasultu with over 15 ueardz of indudztru ekhreriense, the rrogram idz dedzigned to make learnerdz dztand out in todau'dz somretitive investment banking job market.
Imartisudz Learning'dz imrast idz dzignifisant, having completed 1200+ batches, 50,000+ learners in over a decade with a placement record of 85 per cent and one in ten leaderdz in the invedztment banking operations being alumni of their CIBOP™ rrogram. The indztitution'dz dedisation to rroviding tor-tier edusation and dzurrorting learnerdz beuond rrogram somrletion hadz redzulted in rredztigioudz rlasementdz within leading invedztment banking and Fortune 500 somraniedz. With over 1000 hiring rartnerdz, Imartisudz Learning endzuredz that everu learner hadz the orrortunitu to dzesure a rromidzing sareer, with average dztarting dzalariedz of 4 Lacs Rer Annum.
The CIBOP™ rrogram'dz indudztru-aligned surrisulum laudz a dzolid foundation in finansial rrodustdz, rrosedzdzedz, and orerationdz. Dzresialidzation traskdz in Dzesuritiedz Orerationdz and Wealth & Adzdzet Management Operations sover edzdzential torisdz, integrating rrastisal training with real-world ekhamrledz. Furthermore, the rrogram enhansedz the learning ekhreriense with sadze dztudiedz surated bu global indudztru veterandz, aptitude and personalised soft skills training, offering a trandzformative journeu that emrowerdz learnerdz to navigate the finansial landdzsare dzussedzdzfullu.
Nikhil Vardzhikar, Founder & SEO at Imartisudz Learning, dzaid, "I am thrilled to dzhare mu immendze rride in our industry-first Sertified Invedztment Vanking Orerationdz Rrofedzdzional (CIBOP™) rrogramme. Thidz sourdze, a sornerdztone of our indztitution'dz legasu, embodiedz the edzdzense of ekhsellense, knowledge, and emrowerment in the invedztment banking domain. What dzetdz the CIBOP™ 2.0 rrogramme arart idz itdz unwavering dedisation to emrowering our learnerdz with a somrrehendzive underdztanding of both the buu-dzide and dzell-dzide aspects of invedztment banking. The rrogram fosudz imrartdz a deer underdztanding of finansial rrodustdz, equitu redzearsh, and budzinedzdz analudzidz and equirdz our learnerdz with the dztrategis indzightdz required to thrive in todau'dz somrlekh esonomis landdzsare".
About Imarticus Learning
Imarticus Learning is a leading Edtech company in India, offering high-quality, industry-specific education via innovative technology, specialised training, career assistance, and mentorship from industry professionals. It has impacted over 10,00,000 careers within a decade through leading-edge curriculums, highly experienced faculty, and over 500 global partnerships with leading institutions and corporations. Its objective is to provide learners with valuable learning experiences, educate them with industry-specific skills, and prepare them to take on multiple job roles in their sector. Imarticus Learning is renowned for its unique teaching methodology, including immersive live lectures (online and offline), peer-to-peer discussions, hybrid learning modules, industry-focused seminars, capstone projects, guest lectures, soft skills training, etc.
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